Environmental Packages

Novus can arrange bespoke state-of-the-art flexible package policies structured to meet the needs of your clients. Our policy brings together many lines of coverages under one policy form or can arrange separate policies broken down by product line.

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Classes Available:

  • Asbestos Abatement
  • Crime Scene Cleanup
  • Ground water remediation Storage Tank Installation
  • Fire & Water Damage Restoration
  • Solar and Wind
  • Geothermal Contractors
  • Environmental Consulting
  • Phase I, II, III assessments
  • Laboratory Analysis
  • Environmental Testing/Monitoring
  • Equipment Installation
  • Soil/Wetland Remediation
  • Non-environmental Contractors
  • Environmental Contractors
  • Environmental Drilling
  • Lab-Pack, Drum Handling
  • Landfill Construction
  • Medical Waste Handling
  • PCB Abatement
  • Tank and Pipe Cleaning
  • UST/AST installation/removal
  • Water Extraction and Dehumidification
  • Transportation Pollution Liability
  • Facilities Exposures Environmental Liability
  • Over 600 Classes Available!

Coverages Available:

  • Environmental Package Policy
  • Annual or Multi-Year Policies
  • Commercial General Liability
  • Contractor’s Pollution Liability
  • Premises Pollution Liability
  • Consultant’s Professional Liability
  • Professional Liability
  • Contractual Liability
  • ADA/FDA/OSHA Regulatory or Administration Actions Reimbursements
  • Site Environmental
  • Excess/Umbrella Coverage
  • Property
  • Remediation
  • Transportation
  • Shop/Yard Location Coverage
  • Non-Owned Location Coverage (disposal sites)
  • Image Restoration
  • Emergency Expense
  • Mold Coverage
  • Illicit Abandonment
  • Clean-Up to “Environmental Professional” Standard
  • Others Coverages Available!

Geographical Specialty: Nationwide

Limits Available: $100,000,000+

Minimum Account Premium: $2,500+

Submission Requirements: Accord Application, Loss Information, Supplemental.

Submission Process: Via online platform or [email protected]

London Submissions: To access the International London market for larger submissions please submit to [email protected]