Lender Environmental Collateral Program

Through Novus’ US and London offices, we have placed a large number of lender environmental collateral protection policies that are designed to protect lenders in the event of a loan default due to environmental contamination.

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Classes Available:

  • Financial Institutions
  • Banks
  • Savings and Loan Companies
  • Credit Unions
  • Capital Market Lenders
  • Life Insurance Companies
  • Borrowers who do not want to conduct a Phase II report or provide financial guaranty

Coverages Available:

  • Annual or Multi-Year Policies (up to 10 Yrs)
  • Customizable and bespoke policies to protect lender’s collateral value
  • Others Coverages Available!

Geographical Specialty: Nationwide

Limits Available: $100,000,000+

Minimum Account Premium: $10,000+

Submission Requirements: Environmental Application; Environmental Reports.

Submission Process: Via online platform or [email protected]

London Submissions: To access the International London market for larger submissions please submit to [email protected]