Storage Tank Environmental Program

Novus has several brokerage markets to assist in the placement of your clients’ storage tanks. Let us assist in the placement!

Register Here To Become Appointed Wholesale Broker Access

Classes Available:

  • Airports
  • Auto Dealerships
  • Commercial Industrial Facilities
  • Gas Stations
  • Convenience Stores
  • Manufacturing Plants
  • Municipalities
  • Hospitals
  • Schools
  • Universities
  • Others Classes Available!

Geographical Specialty: Nationwide

Limits Available: $50,000,000 (larger limits available)

Minimum Account Premium: $300 per tank

Submission Requirements: Storage Tank Application; Tank Inventory; Tanks older than 15 years will require copies of tank lightness testing; Loss Runs (if available)

Submission Process: Via online platform or [email protected]

London Submissions: To access the International London market for larger submissions please submit to [email protected]